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Thinking about studying Germany with your children, homeschool group, or students?

Traveling to Germany for your next family trip?

Download our FREE Germany Country Facts Board printable to teacher children basic country facts – quickly!

The cards for the board provide so many interesting facts and lead to a myriad of talking poionts and conversations with your children or students. 

If you’re studying Germany in your class or homeschool gropu then this board will provide a great foundation for learning about the country as a whole, especially when coupled with our Germany Concentration Game.

And if you’re a lucky one who just so happens to be planning your next family trip to Germany, having this board in your house prior to the trip will open up wonder and hidden nuggets of curiosity about the country before you even get there. 

It may even spark some fun family activities before you go, like cooking sauerbraten, Germany’s national dish!

To make a country board that looks like the Germany flag as seen in this post, you will simple need black, red, and yellow paper, scissors, a glue stick, and our FREE Germany Country Facts Board printable.

Kids love to help make tehse boards so be sure to put them to work. : ) 

Place prominently in your home, homeschool, or classroom.

In yesterday’s Germany class, I just plopped it right on the table to sit around, discuss, and enjoy.

Here is an example of what the pages look like.

I have also included a header for the board.

Enjoy the process of making this board with your children or students…and be sure to offer up some Gummy Bears along the way!

If you are interested in my FREE country board printables for Mexico and Ireland, click here:

Mexico Country Facts Board

Ireland Country Facts Board

Also, be sure to read the following blog posts about how to celebrate Germany’s St. Martin’s Day in a very unique way.

How to Make a Weckman for Germany’s St. Martin’s Day. A weckman is a sweetened dough boy that is baked and eaten by children to celebrate this holiday.

St. Martin’s Day Lanterns – A Germany Craft For Kids. This is a simple and beautiful paperfolding Germany craft for kids.

Have you ever made a country board as a way to learn about a country? Any creative ways for displaying your board that you want to share?

I invite you to leave a comment about this Germany craft for kids below.

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